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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 4

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 4

Springfield, Missouri
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fHL UAOR PUBLISHING COMPANY Entered at tbe Portoffloe, Springfield. Missouri a Secoud Claes Matter. SUBSCRIPTION KVH DAILY, per month by carrier WEEKLY, per year ADVERTISING in RTEar vertlsioc turnlshed on application. Pnnt.ISHBR'S NOTICE. l.SO oatd In advaDoe 1.00 up esTTtMM of our subscriber who do not pay 8 In advanoe cannot have the reduced rate.

Reaumit Notice. Der )ibt. JO Local AdTertisemento, pvr Hue 'J Obituary Notice, per line Funeral Notteea, per line Lodge and Secret Society Notloes, per line, .10 Mercantile adTer Hiofr aoeordint to time and pace. Chances la alTertisementt most be handed In a. to insure insertion that Verma for trustee's sales and other leisl ad' Prom and after this date all Trustee and MorLirurMi'a sales nrlnted In this newspaper wul be charged bO cents per legal square for one nserUon and a cents per legal square for each additional Insertion, or one nau 100 lawiiu rates Lssosa Posusniao OonrisT October RHW, TELEPHONES 40.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1894. Democratic State Ticket. Judge Supreme Court, FRANCIS M. ULACK. Superintendent Publlo Sohools, WILUAM T.

CAKRiNQTON. Railroad Commissioner. JOSEPH A. FINKS. For Congress JOHN T.

HEARD. ANNOUNCEMENTS. CIRCUIT CLEKK We ure authorized to announce Andy Csry as a candidate for the nomination of clicult clerk subject to the decision of tint Jn cratic county convention. RECORDER OF DEEDS We arc authorized to announce T. H.

Wilson a can didate for recorderof deeds subject to the decision of the Democratic county conven OK DEEDS We are authnrizfvi to announce M. O. Bedell as a candidate for recorder of deeds, subject to the decision of the Democratic county con vention. RECORDER OF DEEDS We are authorized to announce D. M.

Evans as a candidate for recorder of deeds, subject to the decision of the Democratic county con vention. ItDKR OK DEEDS We are au thortzed to announce K. L. McElhaney as a candidate for recorder of deeds, subject the decision of the Democratic county con vention. RECORDER OK DEEDS We are au authorized to announce Charley Dalrymule as a candidate for recorder of deeds, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention.

TT.iititiff VhlVIffW Wo mrn ml. Andliiate for recorder of deeds subject to the decision of the Democratic county con vention. DEEDS. We are au thorized to announce H. U.

Treyathan as a candidate recorderof deeds subject to the decision of the Dcmocrat'c county convention. JUSTICE Of THE l'EACE. We are authorized to announce 11. Chinu as a o.r,Hi,iptA of the peace for Campbell township subject to the decision rtneemocrauc coiihij justice OK THE PEACE We are aiw.ri in Announce Harry D. Durst as a candidate for Justu of the pence for Campbell township su! Joct to the Uwislon of the Democratic couui.v cumm Hwi.

FOlt 81IER1FK llaviug tccn noml Prohibition county conven tion for the office of sheriff of tin cue county, I do hereby thankfully accept the nomination and as I heartily endorse i Populist party lu all Its efforts in behalf ot the fore th 'ir convention for the nomination. M. li. SOUTUWORTH. Indications.

Wabuikgtos, Aug. 1 1. Missouri: Fair: cooler Sunday; southwesterly winds, becoming northerly. Clear up the gutters and alleys. Tub gutters in some localities are in wretched condition.

They shpuld be attended to. The conference committee continues Thx Democrats of the ninth con 4iiriof nf have nom inated James B. Weaver for coDgress. street this mornioff, no doubt feel gratified when they reflect upon the faot that Springfield has an ordinance prohibiting stock from running at large, and an official who is paid a slated sum each month to see that it is complied with. ABJOUT THE WEST.

In a late circular Banker Henry Clews, of Wall street, says: As for the damage to our corn crop, that has unquestionably been serious; but it should be remembered that the losa will fall chiefly upon two or three of the central Western states, which have ample resources of other kinds; so that the Injury will not be so severely felt as If the damage had been in purely agricultural states. Then, taking the reports at their worst, and they have certainly been exaggerated, it still seems proba ble that we shall have as large a crop ss last year (1,600,000,000 bushels); so, without considering any possible improvement in the balance of the crop, the outlook is not Sv bad as it seemed. The very low price of wheat and the competition we are meeting with from other producers are discoursing; but this, tho, has its it will undoubtedly widen the consumptive uses of wheat, and has already forced a lower cost of production. It maafford Mr. Clews some gratification to reflect that the states most seriously affected have ample resources of other kinds, but there is little comfort in his review of the situation to those who are already appealing to charity and who recall the fact upon their part that, so far as lay in the power of Wall street to effect it, their 'resources of other kinds" have been rendered unproductive if not entirely ruined.

i Mr. Clews also looks upon the condition tf the whe market from the producer's point of view with a smile of supreme satisfaction. If wheat is low the cost of production has likewise been forced down, so the wheat grower, ho thinks, or affects to think, is ralmost as well off as if It were dollar a bushel. But Wall street to thelsontrary notwithstanding, there Is not a farmer boy old enough to awing upon the plow bandies and turn nls team at the corner who does not know that the Cost of production can not be forced sufficiently low to allow the producer a margin who dls poses of his wheat at thirty eight cents a busheV Tbe situation may appear very satis factor? to that great New York and European combination of which Mr, Clews ia a part, which has a covetous eye upon the broad uteres, mines and hardy yeomanry of the West and is struggling for a complete mastery of the territory. But there Is no insplra tion in it to the men who have fought against fate and waited for justice unon those who are willing rather to allow them anything else; nor is there longer a charm in these buncombe circulars ot "other resources" and "lower cost of production" making things oven, better times just ahead always just ahead but growing harder at home to cool their impatience and send them back to sleep again.

The manner in which have been taken up by and his aids are being rather left unoared zens. Ana criticism la 1, ill ever ktv the dogs that the "catcher" cared for, or Is being SlSfft SSnK sharply criticised by some of the cltl iL HAitiinal in I li reports are true tue lustifled. To crowd a lot of helpless animals Into a close pen or box, comntratlvely wltheut ventila tion and without water, in sucn awei tering weather as we are now expert enclnir ia atL act of cruelty which should not be permitted. It Is no fault of the dogs' that tags have not been purchased' to hang about their necks, and if the city authori Has insist that they shall be im pounded until this is done they should see to it that they are treated humane i to dlly at Washington and tne cows jy not made to suner inexpressi to run at large in Springield. Tbe bje torture every hour of the day by prospect for acuange In the respective being huddled together sardines situations are about equau iln a box under me oroiung suu.

With two candidates, Oen. Joe nd CoL Dick Dal ton, already In the race for governor of should be sufficient number in the floid in the course of two years more to make tbe campaign quite an inter esting one. Pjepuucajs papers that are chuck ling to themselves over a disturbance which they expect to aee develop in the n. the atate will do hve their laugh out now. There will be no laughing on that aide after the election returns are received.

In tbe shade and with the com fort provided by a palmleaf fan their 1 1 nf th nnnreasive Missouri, there W'UJCUW' weather. Complaint is being heard from some localities that the statesmen who are advertised to speak at barbecues, picnics and the like do not materialize when the time comes. It is too early yet. When election time draws mgn more interest will be manifested In tbe barbecue. But perhaps it is too often tbe case that men are advertised to speak who have not consented to do so, or even been consulted.

Whatever may be said about it the lives of our congressmen and others in high places are very busy ones, and bey are not Thcr nrobablr concluded that to put lwys free to go when called upon bim in the way of securing plice in even though the call may come from the Luube was the only means of head their own state or district icg oft hi old ambition to become presidential candidate. 'I' uk ladies who armed thcoibelves uui went forth to drive i 'r 1 hvj.s 3 I here' one tooth wash, the laaies pnue, by beiit so er every wu wiut, li'iitrftW' there in supremely blext, A bweetcr, heier ne tuaa ail liif TV3i, '1! till land If the Mime I POMPEY JEALOUS. BY GEOItfiE KIXG CAMP. Susannah she hub tole ter me Wtaar singleness a burding be 'N marrlageness abusln'." Hut den she could'nt someways, see No eumfut in refusln'. Den Snowball come I hates dat Snow: 'S flews I bates dls Hewing I 'N flews aroun' Susannah so I specks Wats he's a doin'; Den tings go long ontwel I know Dat Snowball am a Sueln.

I argyfles 'n argyfles Wld Snow 'n oeu Susannah, But bod of dem, seems like, replies 'Wy, Pompey! whar's yo' manner?" 'N w'en dai sue gal up 'n sighs I natrully can't stan Dat Is, I kin', but w'at I mean I dls I'm spllln' Dess like a pot er limy beans No count for snder bllin' Dat Sue she on dls busim leans Like white folks calls begullin' sez forty tousan' things All sweeter dan de udder, A soundln' like ter angel wings, dls, 'n dat, 'n udder; 'N den dose a'ms she roun' me flings Nsez: "Whar Is my mudder!" Dat's wat I mean, but dls I know, I ain't not never sassed 'er 'N ef I ketch dat sneaking Snow Arroua' my yallerblaster, Den me or him is got ter go, Kate I's de fust dat aster. EXCHANGE NOTES. The Clinton mills turn our 1,400 barrels of flour every day. The Bolinger county teachers' institute enrolled sixty six members. Ferry villa has lately had five saloons fitted up witb patent Deer pumps.

Mexico people are interested in the rising walls of a $10,000 residence. Lancaster tried the Cannonade cure for dry weather but without effect. The Moss creek mill, built in 1849, has been removed from Carroll to Lynn county. The big Missouri fruit show is to come off at St. Louis from September 5 to October 13.

The tsxes of Boone county, all around and of all sorts, will amount to about $100,000. The pioneer school teacher of Cooper county is Prof. D. F. Bell, who has taught for 32 years.

The Wabash is using th? pruning knife very freely on the Mlsouri division since the strike. The corn yield in Jolley's Bottom, near Eockeport, on 1,000 acres, will be about 40,000 bushels The Osage county Republicans blame the Cleveland administration for the antics the Mlsaourians have been cutting this year. A pressure is being brought on the Audrain county authorities) to purchase some bloodhounds. John farmer, who died at Bolivar last week, at over 80 years of age, was the veteran oi three yeara. Improvements to the amount of 82, 000 are being made, on the Normal school building at Klrksville.

There are young Democrats in Hannibal who are anxious to become letter carriers, if the Morning Journal knows what it is talking about. The Seventh Missouri Cavalry and Twenty first Infantry will hold a reunion at Clinton September 20 to 28. Holt county's apple crop, according to good local authority, will be the best and largest ever harvested here. Ex Senator Ingalls has been adver tised as an attraction at the Republican state convention at Excelsior Springs. The reservoir at Marceline is well stocked with black bass, and an occasional pike Is pulled out at the end of a good line.

Congressman Hatch has appointed John A. Schofield of Hannibal as a cadet to the Annapolis naval academy from bis district. The question of renewing the saloon license at Klrksville was submitted to a vote of the people and there was majority of 44 against the renewal. The Canton Press reports a rainma ker who from his six miles from Canton, has been distributing satisfactory showers over. Lewis county.

Two young ladies of Richmond will no longer keep company witn two young gentlemen who brought them two immature pumpxina ior mus melons. The melon season is at its height now, and it is a poor larm inaeea mat cannot produce at least one sample that is "the largest ever raised in tne county." Thev have Earlv Rose potatoes at Carthage that weigh two and one half pounds each, according to the Press, and that is considered very reliable authority. So far thissjason 850,000 worth of flax seed has been marketed at Adrian. Flax seed brings SI a bushel, and thia year it is a much more profitable crop tnsn wneat. There will bo trreat rivalry in Audrain county for that silver cup the Mexico Ledger has offered for the prettiest baby, even if silver isn't worth much just now.

A new fire limits ordinance will pro hibit the building of frame buildings in the busineas district of Bosworth hereafter, ft wise move suggested by the recent disastrous fire. A government officer in St. Louis killed himself the other day. This la the first case of ft man releasing ft hold on ft federal office until hsuwas actually, compelled to, tbftt has been reported for many yeara. Mrs.

Mary Holtaclaw, "the old for tune teller" of Hannibal, died a lew days ago in ft hospital at Cjuincy, 111. In her day sue toia tne xortuae oi i nIlT most every young person on tne es Side," Hannibal. The first crop of Cottonwood bar vested Dearborn, In Platte county, this season shows a yield of. two tons to the acre, and another crop is yet to we tl nt b. one half ns lar'j.

The Magic Touch Of Hood's Sarsaparilla. You smile at the But if you suffer from pyspepsla And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be fore you have taken half a dozen doses, vou will involuntarily think, and no doubt exclaim, "That Just Hits It!" "That soothing effect is a magic touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach snd digestive organs, invigorates the liver, creates a natural, healthy desire for food, gives refreshing sleep, and in short, raises the health tone of the entire system. Remember Hood's SXures Take Hood's Pills for Sick Headache. The article is used in making writing paper. Seventeen tramps were sent adrift from Jefferson City in one day last week and still the effort to raise a flambeau club to do duty in the pend ing campaign is about to fall for want of men willing to carry torcnes ana drink beer.

There will be no more raffling at Trenton unless the warning given by the prosecuting attorney Is allowed to so unheeded. He has given notice that past offenders will not be molested, but that from this time on the maiestv of the laws of Missouri must be respected. Henry W. Ewing, of the Jefferson City Tribune, went to Washington some time to remain until congress passed the tariff bill. Realizing that it would be necessary for him to make some provisions for his posterity before departing this vale of tears he returned home last week.

West Plains Gazette: A very affect ing incident occurred at the Sunday school at the Methodist church, south, lastXSunday morning. A prize had been offered to the scholar who should bring in tbe greatest number of new scholars. This prize was won by a little blind boy and. many eyes were filled with tears when his little bro ther led him forward to receive the beautiful prize that he could not see. Webb City Scot Barbee cams very near being killed at the Littler Williams shaft at o'clock yesterday morning.

Tbe ground was caving and he went down to ee about it. The ladder on whice he was descending broke and he fell forty five feet and struck on his back, which bruised him up considerably and cut a gash in his scalp. His injuries are not thought to be of a fatal character. Last fall I was taen with a kind summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after my wife's, sister, who lives with.uB, was taken in the same way.

We used almost everything without 'benefit Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which we did, and that cured us right away. I think much of it, as it did for me what It was recommended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel, Berks Pa. 25 and SO cent bottles for sale by Fer guson Kintrea Drug Co. It May do as Much for You.

Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost Instant relief.

One trial will prove our statement Price only SOc. for large bottle at Ferguson Kintrea Drug Co. and Fink Metcalf. Dear Qreaham: One more boom crave, I trufit in your aSeotlon. 'Tla not to murder Dole, the Knave, Or put down insurrection; 'Tig not my crown, but me to save, I write in deep dejeotlon, And so a package I must have Of Park's Tea for my complexion.

ORBSHAM'S AM8WSB TO QCBKHiUL. When I reoelved your cablegram I thought I sure would faint, For though I of ten use Parks' Tea TIs not for your complaint. I feared that Mrs. O. would think Wrong about our connection, Till on her dresser there I saw Parks' Tea for her complexion.

Sold by Boas' Model Drug StoVe. Karl's Clover Root, will purify your Blood, clear your Complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your Head clear as a belL 25c and 50c Sold by J. Crank corner of Boonvllle and Commercial streets and SOGSouthCamp bell street John G. Lutton, of Le Roy, N. a prominent grocer and O.

A. R. man, Bays: "I have been troubled with indigestion and biliousness for years. Tried Park's Tea and it has cured me. I recommend it to everybody, Sold by Boas, Model drug store Children Cryfot ditcher's Casroria, TRUSTEE'S SALE WDereas on the 26th day of October, and Ella Lanev his wit by their certain deed ot trust oonveyed to the undersigned trustee, the northwest quarter ot the northwest quarter ot section twenty eight, (28), township twenty eight, (an, range twenty four.

(W), containing; 40 acres more or leas, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note in said deed of trust mentioned, ana which deed Is reoorded in the office of the recorder of deeds ot Greene county, Ma, la book 117, at page sua, and whereas default has been made therefore at the In tbe payment of said note. request ot tn legal owner and holder of said note, I will, between the hours of o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m.

oh Wednesday, August 23d, 1894, at the front door ct the state circuit court house In the city of Springfield, county of Cireene and state of Missouri, oiler the above described real estate tor sale at public vendue to the hU hi'Ht bidder for cash In hand 'or the purpose of satisfying the tnns and sonditloni of N.Md uvea1 of trut. JOHN WF.LKRR, Trustee. I ELAISIITE SAP C) SOLO EVERYWHERE "SUHE N.K.FAIRBAHK COMPANY. Sr.Lows, OOOOOOOuuO EXACTLY (H)((3on the DOLLAR! rim SPFCIAL DRIVE9 IX 03BO Only one half price now on all THIN COATS AND VESTS! EXCEPT ONLY SOLID BLACK. Thin Coats and Vests as low as 2.Te and up.

Just think of it will you suffer when they are going so cheap! Follett SDMMERD1ERWEAR IMES1TS Why AT 15c AND BP! House ON THE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST. The bouse has been thoroughly renovated from cellar to garret and will be run In First class Style. A No. i $1.00 Per Day House. A Old friends and new ones are parnnWlv Invited to call andsee us at oueic iiouse, sot college street, alter Aug.

g. 0m 1st, 1894. "777777 4 it i 1 The Leader Puzzle Coupon! Flip Flip! CONTROLLED BY THt LEADER. Bring this Coupon and 10 CENTS to The Ls deb an get FLIP, want it mailed enclose 4 cents extra for packin scd postage NAME. ADDRESS.


W. HALL, Vice President. Attorney. 0 0 is) If you 1 MODEL MEAT MARKET AND STEAM SAUSAGE MANDFAGTDRr Go to the Model 406 West Walnut street to buy the choicest Meats, Home Made Breakfast Bacon and Lard a specialty at Lo we thau, brad time prices. KOOGGG 0 F.

A. FREY, Prop. VV ILL, DC KCUr dl iLJ Mrs. Sam Qott will take Possession of the W. JT.

HOWSER, Treasurer. B. P. HALDEMAN, Beexatto THE NATIONAL Loan and Investment Association oiaishes tha moat Equitable Plan of any Ballding and Loan Association in tha Cut It will mature Its stock In a shorter period of time. It will mature Its stock for let money.

It will earn four times as much as money deposited In a Savings Bank, furnishes unequaled security. liomeOiIlee, Sprlnsraold, 2 8 tltwli Ti'V VVrita lit tr atTire explaining our plan. It. P. HAL" lATT..

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